Archive: Detect System Restore Service state

Detect System Restore Service state
Hi all. Ive tried several ways, but I cant get it to work. I need a way to detect (On Init) if System Restore Service is ON or OFF. If it is OFF, a message box will be shown letting the user to quit installation. Is this possible? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

i guess the easy solution is to use RegMon and look for a registry value (by turning system restore on or off)

a better solution is probably to use WMI in a custom plugin or vbs/jscript script

The best way to do this would be to call $SYSDIR\sc.exe and analyse the return.

nsExec::ExecToStack '"$SYSDIR\sc.exe" query srservice'

Calling nsExec runs the program without showing a commandline popup window.

; now get return
Pop $0
StrCpy $0 $0 7 114
;at this point $0 will be "RUNNING" if srservice is running.

You can then do what you want with the string.

Why this works:

nsExec is capable of executing commandline apps and storing the return value in the stack. Whenever "sc.exe query srservice" is called from a command prompt (try it!) the first 114 characters of its output are always the same unless your users have recklessly modified their systems.

Working script attached.


Thanks guys, will try it soon. Also I need a YES NO pop up, but I think this can be made simply editing the line "MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION". Thanks

the sc.exe way is language specific is it not? why not use one of the service plugins

Tried dandaman32 method only in English system and it works. I will try in Spanish one.

It works