Archive: radio buttons with dynamic content

radio buttons with dynamic content
Hello everyone.

I`ve been working with NSIS for a while and found it great for my projects. I was able to design smooth installers in a short time, though NSIS has a bit unusual syntax :-)

Recently I faced a problem which I wasnt able to solve myself. I wished to create a dialog with several radiobuttons and some values specific to target computer. InstallOptions and InstallOptionsEx seems to be able to manage such dialogs but I cant use them in my case, because I dont actually know what to write into .ini files.

Here's the full picture. My application operates as some kind of network service. It links with a specific network interface. I suppose, in case of several network interfaces installed on a system user should supply external IP address to the isntaller. So the question is how to create a dialog with several radiobuttons and dynamic content.

Is there any ways to work out this problem?


You can use WriteINIStr to modify the INI files at runtime.