Archive: sample code pls ...

sample code pls ...
Hi all,

I am very new to NSIS. I'm rushing of doing my school project on a php + mysql system. I now need to build an installation kit with NSIS which able to copy files (php files) from a source (CD-ROM) to a folder in my hard drive (Eg: C:\hello\).
So, are there any sample can you guys provide to me?
I just need to copy and paste the files, and also delete them whenever "uninstallation" called. Pls shows some sample code (.nsi) to me, I'm lack of time to learn nsis script.
Many thanks.

ah new

There are a lot of examples in the Examples directory in your NSIS installation. Most of them copy files and delete them when uninstalling.

If you don't want to compress the files into the the executable, use CopyFiles to copy them from $EXEDIR.

There are also some IDEs that'd help you generate code quickly.