Archive: InstallDirRegKey?


I am wondering how to use InstallDirRegKey but then also add a specific extention onto the end of what that returns from the registry.

For Example, if I use:

;InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\Company\Software" "Uninstall"

I might get back D:\Software

I get back the Directory I want for the installer interface, but then I would like it to add onto that a couple of other directories such as


what is the easiest way to do this?

thanks for any help.

$INSTDIR\Plugins\Custom ?

no that didnt work.

anyone know the answer for sure?

You're supposed to use it with SetOutPath in a section. That is:

Section "Foo"
SetOutPath $INSTDIR\Plugins\Custom
//rest of code

ok great.