Archive: IfFileExists then macro

IfFileExists then macro

I don't quite get the some of the basics :)

Is it not possible to do a:

IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\sc_update"
!insertmacro "Remove_${SEC01}"

It is in uninstall process, i just want to run remove macro if file is found.


Use LogicLib:

!include LogicLib.nsh
# ...
${If} ${FileExists} $INSTDIR\sc_update
!insertmacro Remove_${SEC01}

Great works like a charm.
Is there any way to do something as simple for checking whether a section is check or not?

Sry for my horrible english.

What i want to do is execute 3 commands if a section is selected. i wan't to do this inside one section.

I've been scavaging the docs/forum but can't seem to find what i need.

I want to be able to something like:

IfSectionChecked {writeIniStr, writeIniStr, WriteIniStr}

I guess i should do some more reading..
I've tried with:

${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SEC03}

But the value get's written regardless of the section is checked or not :(

Make sure SEC03 has the correct value in there. Add:

!error ${SEC03}
If the output comes out as:
!error: ${SEC03}
then it's not defined and you need to move that code below the section definition.