Archive: IIS : virtual_directory error code -2147463162

IIS : virtual_directory error code -2147463162
I went through the forum/examples to pick up useful scripts to create virtual directories for IIS (like
I have seen several tests using vb scripts to validate the error code returned when a virtual directories. These scripts test genarally for a value that is diffrent from 0. I have also seen tests on error code -2147024713 (which means the the virtual dir already exists).

I came accross an error code -2147463162 but could not identify what the problem is. Do someone knows where to get information that can help me make sense of this error code ?


-2147463162, or 0x80005006 in hex is actually E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED. Try searching for one of those, some useful post might come on up. Maybe even the error name, along with the exact line it's raised on, we'll do.

Thanks for the input. I did found some posts related this error code but not something that I was able to say was the definitive answer. The vb script is pretty simple :
Set Root = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/ROOT")
Set Dir = Root.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", "ttt")

It does work locally on my machine using Xp Pro and IIS 5.1 and gives an error code on another machine using also Xp and IIS5.1. I do not have all the settings of the computer that it is failing on so I was trying to reproduce the error locally. Unfortunaltely I did not manage until now.
If I get something I will post it but I seems to be out of idea/luck.