Archive: Choose between 2 installation with radiobutons???

Choose between 2 installation with radiobutons???

I am french so sorry for my bad words ...

I have create an exe for install my diferent software and I want to create a page before the welcome page and in these I want to have 2 radio buttons ...

This is in order to choose what exe to launch : so 2 radio buttons and only 1 select ...

For exemple, if it is the 1st radiobuttons select, that launch 1.exe, if it is the 2nd radio button select, that launch 2.exe ...

Can you help me please ??

Thank you

You can take a close look at examples\makensis.nsi

There are lines for:
InstType "Full"
InstType "Lite"
InstType "Minimal"

The above are types 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Within each section, there will be a "SectionIn" that reflects whether this Section is part of that "Type" of installation.

If I understand your question, I believe this is one way to proceed.



thank you for your answer but it isn't really that that I want ...

I have an exe in order to install different software.

And in this exe, the user can select automatic or manual install :
* if automatic : the user select the software that he want and they are automatically install (silence install; he can't choose the directory)
* if manual : the user select the software that he want to install and my exe execute setup after setup (so he do to tape next next ... and the directory of install for all the software).

if i create this it is because i have many software in my exe and if the user want to install all of them, he do to choose the directory of install of each softaware and one after one; so he must be next he computer.

Also, if he choose the automatic install, he do "install" and it is all ...

Have you uderstand with my bad english ?? :D

If the user has selected the automatic option, call Abort on the pre-function of each subsequent page- this will skip the page and you can use the default value for the page- be it a directory or components or whatever.

thank but I am new in NSIS so can you take me the modifications because I don't understand what to do ...

small up in order ton know if someone can explain me what to do ...

Thank you

I don't quite understand your last messages, but according to the first one it seemed like you simply wanted an InstallOptions page. Examples\InstallOptions\test.nsi is a good example to start from.

BTW, have you tried the French forum?