Archive: VIProductVersion format

VIProductVersion format
Is it an OS limitation that VIProductVersion must be in the format x.x.x.x? I'd like to use another format there but can't figure out how. Is it even possible?

What kind of format do you want to use?
Here is the description of the format in which file info is stored on Windows.
Pay special attention to dwFileVersionMS, dwFileVersionLS, dwProductVersionMS and dwProductVersionLS.

I was hoping to do something like 1.2 Beta for the file version. What I'm really trying to do here is differentiate between a Beta and Released version. I would like to be able to have the user right click on the installer and be able to figure it if it is a beta or a release build. Likewise elsewhere in my install, I'd like to be able to do stuff based on beta or release. I was hoping to do this based on information already in our .exe using this example: this example. I can have my developer(s) put whatever I want in any of the file info fields. Right now they have 1.2 Beta. I was thinking I could ask for one of the fields to say beta or release. But I can't see a way to query any of the other fields. Is it possible to query any of those other fields?

As you see from the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure, it only accepts DWORD values for the version information.
What you could perhaps do is either modify the code so that you can set the dwFileFlags field to have the VS_FF_PRERELEASE flag or you can us VIAddVersionKey to add a key with the prerelease information.