Archive: RegDll MSFLXGRD.OCX


I am trying to install MSFLXGRD.OCX with the following code:

SetOutPath "$SYSDIR"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File "C:\Deployment\Redistributables\VC Restributables\MSFLXGRD.OCX"

Its working on some people's machines but not others - any ideas?

Do I need to register any other files that the flex grid depends on? and do I need to specify any other arguments for the RegDll call?


Just a guess but perhaps if it wasn't replaced (SetOverwrite ifnewer) and then you re-RegDLL'd it, that messed it up...


There are no error messages during the installation but when the user screen opens the application i am installing, the MSFLXGRD control doesnt work.

The error flag will be set if RegDll fails. There won't be any error messages unless you add one.

IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Failed to register MSFLXGRD.OCX!"


Why not use the Library macros? They'll handle of this for you.