Archive: Delete shortcuts in start menu

Delete shortcuts in start menu

I have got a problem with deleting the shortcuts in the start menu while uninstalling the program. I have read the posts in the forum but I did not find a solution.

I write the shortcuts with:

Var /GLOBAL test

StrCpy $R1 $R0 1
StrCpy $test $R0
StrCmp $R1 ">" skip

SetShellVarContext all
CreateDirectory $SMPROGRAMS\$R0
CreateShortCut $SMPROGRAMS\$R0\Analyzer.lnk $INSTDIR\Analyzer.exe
CreateShortCut $SMPROGRAMS\$R0\Uninstaller.lnk $INSTDIR\Uninstaller.exe


I want to delete them with:

Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$test\*.*"

It does not work.

If I use

Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Analyzer 1.0\*.*"
RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Analyzer 1.0"

it works. But I will not know the folder the user will choose so my second solution is not great. What's wrong with the first solution?


You need to use the /r switch on RMDir:

RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\$test"

Without it, RMDir will only delete a folder if it is empty.


Hi Afrow,

therefore I use Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Analyzer 1.0\*.*" It should clear the directory. I don't want to use RMDir /r because I'am afraid of killing the whole start menu if I make a mistake with the path.

I want to delete the content of the folder.
I've just tried
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$test\Analyzer.lnk"
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$test\Uninstaller.lnk"
but it doesn't work.


Are there any hidden files in the folder (e.g. desktop.ini)


I want to delete them with:

Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\$test\*.*"

It does not work.

If I use

Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Analyzer 1.0\*.*"
RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Analyzer 1.0"

it works.
Logically, $test variable does not contain correct value. When you run unistaller all variables is empty, so when installing you need to save variable $R0 suppose in registry, and when run unistaller read this value from registry to $temp.

Hi Instructor,

but I can remove the whole program. Only the shortcuts are the problem. Why can I remove the program? I thought the real values were written in the uninstaller but not the registers.
Is it wrong?


When you runs unistaller it by default sets $INSTDIR=$EXEDIR

Hi Instructor,

ok. Now I can understand the problem. I don't want to write anything in the registry. I'am afraid of deleting something really important when I try to delete my entries. I will think it over.

Thanks for your help.

Surely your startup path won't change so why should you need to store the path if it's a fixed path?
If you're scared of deleting a folder that isn't there... well you can't!


Hi Afrow,

I create a folder in the startup menu. I think I have to save the name of this folder, don't I?
The user can change the name of this folder while installing the program. If he uses the default name, I will be able to remove the folder, but if he changes the name, I will not.



an ini-file is a great solution! I will try it.


In that case there is no other way but storing the folder name in the registry or in an INI file.


Strange how that happens sometimes. You posted after me but the post has gone above mine in the list.

Anyway, use WriteINIStr and ReadINIStr.
