Archive: Finish page cancel button

Finish page cancel button
Currently, the MUI enables the cancel button on the finish page, if it contains checkboxes. If the user clicks the cancel button, the checkboxes are ignored. Some users, including bug report #1267491, have complained and said this might confuse the user.

In a way, it does make sense to have the cancel button enabled. It's a much more convenient way to skip whatever the finish page has to offer. Be it running an application, showing a web page or even restarting, hitting cancel is quicker than unchecking boxes and changing radio button selections.

However, it might be confusing, making the user think he has a chance to cancel the installation, even though the finish page says the installation was completed.

So, what do you think?

I voted "Never", because I think it will be very difficult to explain on the button caption that it quits the installer, ignoring the checked boxes. I'm all for the last option if anyone has a good idea, though.

Change the Cancel button label to "Skip"?

The average computer-illiterate user might not understand what there is to skip.

Maybe then add a line on the finish page telling them to press the Skip button to ignore the finish checkbox options?

That makes things more difficult for the user. The pages should be as simple as possible.

What do other installers do? Let's just do the same- that way at least NSIS is as confusing (or clear) as the standard.

voted for "Never" as it is very handy but unusual and most users wont understand it.

i think we have the time to uncheck checkboxes.

what about adding a define to let coders choose if they want the additional button or not?

I'm all for a define myself... in lieu of coders adding the 2-3 lines of code required to make changes manually. Changing the caption of the button / disabling it / hiding it isn't rocket science - it would just have to be documented.

I'd prefer a consistent behavior for all installers. If users get different things for different installers it becomes even more complex. Looking at the votes and the behavior of other installers, I think it should be disabled.

I did some (admittedly limited) testing with some other installers; here's what I encountered:

So I think my vote is to never enable the Cancel button on the Finish page.

My two cents is that QA at my company told me to hide the Cancel button since it would most likely be confusing to the average user.

I think we have a winner- just hide the darn thing.

Maybe it should be hidden by default and then there can be a !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_CANCEL_SHOW to show it.

In my UI, I have it so that the cancel button is always disabled. BTW, the first full version of InstallSpider should be out sometime this week, just have to finish writing the docs :( (which will take awhile because of all the new macros I have added to the UI).

I also vote for "never" because this is in any case confusing. I got some emails from users of my installer who mentioned this.

May I ask what happened to this? Was there any change that I missed to get rid of the cancel button?

Yeah, I am very curious, too, as I have closed a bug as WNF for this.

I remember a part of the solution was a synchronization between the Close (X) and Cancel button. That still has to be implemented.

Cheers, Joost. :)

Finally implemented. The X button is now disabled when the Cancel button is disabled and the finish page has the Cancel button disabled by default. MUI_FINISHPAGE_CANCEL_ENABLED can be defined to restore the old behavior.
