Archive: Install location always copying the app name

Install location always copying the app name

In the script, the appname and version is defined as:

!define PRODUCT_NAME "Product Name"
!define PRODUCT_VERSION "5.0"

In the "Chosse Install Location" page of the wizard, if somebody chooses a directory, the resuting field always has the value:

{Choosen Directory}\\Product Name

The product name is copied automatically.

I dont want this behavior. If a user has selected c:\\ then I want the installation to be done in c:\ only and not c:\product name.

Am I missing somethinge?

Put a \ on the end.


I am not sure if I understood. Find attached two images.

In the first image, I am selecting just c:

As you can see in the second image, it automatically adds:


I want it to be c:\ only. In current case the user has to manually change the directory which is not intuitive.

Did I miss something?

Sorry missed the attachment. Here it is!

On the end of the InstallDir parameter:

InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Blah\