Archive: Add stuff to a form

Add stuff to a form
  I'd like to add a label or a text box into the form which shows the destination folder to install, but I don't know how? Please help. thanks.

Why not set the text using DirText? You can add multiple lines using $\r$\n.

I meaned I want to add another DIRREQUEST box into dir-page (original page which comes with NSIS package).

You'll have to create a custom one using InstallOptions or InstallOptionsEx. The first is documented and available from the NSIS help, the latter you can find a discussion on here :

By the way.. I've done a directory page with two directory fields - it's a bit intricate and has a few 'hacks' to get things looking well. I would recommend using InstallOptionsEx instead of InstallOptions for this.

Two reasons that pop into mind:
1. you can get a NOTIFY event from a user changing the directory path - you can't with InstallOptions (only when going through the browse button, and technically that's not supported - but hey, it works)

2. you can specify the text of the browse button (defaults to "...") - can't do that in InstallOptions, so you have to set the text on the control manually, re-size the control, move it to the left, an then re-size the directory path textbox control to fit. Totally doable, but not preferable ;)

thank you very much.
I have a droplist on my custom page, and I used GetDrive to get all available drives on my computer. How to list all drives under listItems of droplist (it means when I click the arrow of droplist, it displays drives so I can select one). Thank you

You need to write to ListItems with WriteINIStr before showing the page. The value that you write should be in the format "str1|str2|etc"


when I call GetDrive "ALL" "FunctionName", in FunctionName I got drive in $9 and drive type in $8, and I have more than 4 dif. drives, how can I write these drives to my droplist. Please help, thanks


># clear variable R9, just in case
# we'll be using it to store the list of drives
>StrCpy $R9 ""
># call the GetDrives function
>${GetDrives} "ALL" "CallBackFunc"
># $R9 now contains e.g. "|C:\|D:\|E:\"
# chop the first "|" off
>StrCpy $R9 $R9 -1 1
># now you have a list of drives in the format a listbox requires

# if you're using MUI, you can then write it to your
# InstallOptions file using the following:
>!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_WRITE "InstallOptions.ini" "Field 1" "ListItems" $R9
># please keep in mind that you need to put in the correct ini filename
# and the correct Field number

# initialize the dialog
>!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_INITDIALOG "InstallOptions.ini"
># and show it

>Function CallBackFunc
# add the drive to the drives list
StrCpy $R9 "$R9|$9"
Push $0

Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

I have a custom page, in there I have a DirRequest control, and I want to change the text of Browse button. This is what I did, but it didn't work:
GetDlgItem $1 $HWND 1200
SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT}1 "STR:Browse"
When I compile, this gives me a warning and ignore the line GetDlgItem because it doesn't recognize the constant HWND. What should I do? Thanks.

FindWindow $R0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $R1 $R0 1200
SendMessage $R1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 1 "STR:Browse"

$HWND is a variable not a constant that you'd have to define yourself.


I got it. Thank u very much. Can you show me how to resize the browse button of DirRequest? (since after I change its text from "..." to "browser", it doesn't not display right) thanks.

You need to use Resource Hacker for that. Search Google.


I got it. Thank you.
I have a DirRequest on a custom page, when I click browse button it displays browser window, is there any way that I can add text to this window (below the title "Browse for folder")? thanks.

The Text= attribute changes that for DirRequest controls.


Thank you very much Afrow.

Custom page
  I have a DIrRequest on a custom page. Right after I click OK button on the browser window, is there any way that I can get the selected path, so I can modify it, and display a message box to user before it (selected path) is displayed on the text box of DirRequest? Thanks

I have a DIrRequest on a custom page. Right after I click OK button on the browser window, is there any way that I can get the selected path, so I can modify it, and display a message box to user before it (selected path) is displayed on the text box of DirRequest? Thanks

All the InstallOptions examples show you how to validate input on an InstallOptions page.
Tip: From the Leave function with ReadINIStr (DirRequest>State). To go back to a page, call Abort from the pages' Leave function.


Thank you Afrow UK.

validate the selected dir
  I think I didn't state clearly my problem before. This is it: I have a DirRequest on a custom page. I click browse button-> browser window appears-> I select a dir ( C:\ProgramFiles)-> I click OK on browser window-> the selected dir (C:\ProgramFiles) is displayed on text box of dirRequest, but I don't want this, I want to change C:\ProgramFiles to C:\balba and display a message-> and user click OK button on the message wind.-> then new path(C:\balba)is displayed on the text box of dirRequest. It means somehow I can read and modify the selected path before it is displayed on the textbox of DirRequest control. I have tried many times in many ways, couldn't do it. Please help. Thank you.

Use Flags=NOTIFY
This will act like the user clicking next when he clicks OK (on the browse window) but the field number of the DirRequest control will be written to Settings>State which you can check with ReadINIStr. For examples see Examples\InstallOptions\NotifyTest.nsi



Thank you very much. I got it. Really appreciate your help.