Archive: Sequentially Compile Multiple Scripts?

Sequentially Compile Multiple Scripts?
I have a couple of custom .exe tools written in NSIS that my main installer uses. I want to make sure that before my main script compiles the other tools compile, so that the exes are always as up-to-date as possible, since they all rely on a seperate .nsi file containing special defines/functions.

I'm using HM NIS Edit as well for editing and compiling, but if I have to compile some other way (via a batch file for instance) then I can switch, although a solution within HM NIS Edit would be nice.

I did search for an answer to this, and didn't come up with anything which surprised me, because I figured this efinitely would have been asked before.

You can use the following in your main script to compile another script:

!system '"${NSISDIR}\makensis.exe" anotherscript.nsi'