Archive: problem with CVS?

problem with CVS?

I'm not sure but i think there is a problem with the CVS, it doesn't get updated since the release of the new NSIS website.
Is that normal?


I have no problem downloading from CVS, all is fine as of 20051114, I could do a full build.

Sometimes it is a good Idea to just creat a new directory and see if you can fully download all fron CVS.

atm cvs is lagging behind some days ...

i can successfully update, but there are no new files, though the changelog tells something else.

From SourceForge status page:

( 2005-11-11 12:47:03 - Project CVS Service ) As of 2005-11-11 developer CVS is back online and operational. Anonymous CVS will be out of sync throughout the weekend as updates are processed.

Thanks for the info

Anoter update:

( 2005-11-16 05:35:18 - Project CVS Service ) As of 2005-11-16 the sync between developer and anonymous CVS services is still disabled. This is as a result of a hardware failure that we are actively working on, and the sync will be restarted as soon as the hardware issues are resolved.