Archive: if ($0 == 1) { do something }

if ($0 == 1) { do something }
Hi again. One more question... I use ExecWait to execute a file once installed. Like this:

ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\zLoadIcon2.exe"' $0

So then the exit code of that Application will go in $0. But then if $0 is 1 I want to Abort the install and if it's 0 to continue... something like this...

if ($0 == 1) { do something }

I don't know if NSIS has support for such conditional checking and I checked the documentation and this forum but didn't find anything of use so far. So can it be done?

Use strcmp instruction. Or LogicLib.nsh and If statement.

EDIT. Or InCmp instruction instead strcmp.

Thank you. Let me see if it works : D.

I can see no such instruction "lncmp" in my NSIS (2.11) documentation. However, the other solutions seem to be ok so thanks a lot ::- D.

Re: Nope

Originally posted by Axonn
I can see no such instruction "lncmp" in my NSIS (2.11) documentation. However, the other solutions seem to be ok so thanks a lot ::- D.
IntCmp :rolleyes:

I should have known : D.