Archive: SetOverwrite ifnewer

SetOverwrite ifnewer
Hey... will this option apply for all " File "Runtime\oleaut32.dll"" commands that follow it, or only for the first one??? I read the documentation and what I understand is that it's only for the first file instruction below it. But what if I have 200 files? I have to repeat that for each of them?

All of them until the next SetOvewrite.

Thank you again
Cool. 'cause I used HM NIS Edit and it made me a script where it put "SetOverwrite ifnewer" twice.Once at the beginning and then once again a bit lower. So that kind'a' got me thinking.... I guess that's only a bug. Thank you. I'll remember the help of all of you and mention it in my "Thanks to" list which you'll all see in my program once it reaches public beta :- D.