Archive: If Folder Exists?

If Folder Exists?

I need to build some checking into my installer. Basically, I need to check for the existence of 3 sub-directories. If they are there, then the installer simply needs to copy files into the directories, overwriting any previous versions of those files but not deleting other files that might be there. If the sub-directories are not detected, then they are created and files are copied into them.

My question, do I need to actually detect these subs or can I simply use SetOverwrite (ifnewer) and copy the updated files without overwriting the subs and other files that I don't want overwritten? If I need to detect the folders, does anyone have a good example?

Thanks....really having a good time w/ this tool - it solves a bunch of deployment problems that have plagued us for awhile!

IfFileExists "path\*.*" GotoExist GotoNotExist
