Archive: Web Application Installation script

Web Application Installation script
Did somebody write WebApplication installation script that can configer IIS, create virtual folder for the application being installed in the wwwroot?
Or may be saw it publicated?
If anybody wrote it, can you share the script?
I need it so much!!!!
Any help regarding that issue will be appreciated.


Oksana, forum search results
Archive search for "virtual" gives

Thanks for your reply,
Takhir and robotmp3.
But I'm a new one with NSIS.
I've just found it in the internet 2 days ago
when I had a trouble with installation our PocketPC application with SQL CE and framework in the same setup running.
I found a very usefull article about NSIS script editor and compiler with script sample.
Thanks for the author and for NSIS developing team, we have now great installer that does its job simply cool.

I saw a "Setting up a virtual directory" article you sent me
, but just as I said, I'm new in NSIS and I think I have a trouble with creating its script.
I need to register com dlls in it and I don't need to write any information in the Registry as it is Web application.
I wonder about the order of actions in .nsi too.

I need to register com dlls

Function RegisterCOM

DetailPrint "Register COM dlls"
nsExec::ExecToLog '$WINDIR\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\RegAsm.exe "$INSTDIR\yourdll.dll" /codebase /silent"' $INST_ERR
IfErrors RegErr FinishReg

DetailPrint "Registering COM failed. $INST_ERR"


Thanks, robotmp3.

May be this is too simple, but some people also use RegDll NSIS instruction. And NSIS Manual Appendix B describes some dll quetions.

WebAppInstaller script
Hi guys,
I wrote the script i needed and now I can share it.
Thanks to the author [icebrrrg] of the "Setting up a virtual directory" example.

For register and unregister com dlls
i use "Exec" command that run .bat file
with the "regsvr32 /s YourDllName.dll"
commands for each com server.
The same with the unregistering while running uninstall:
"regsvr32 /U /s YourDllName.dll" commands in the unreg.bat file.

Hope, it will be used.