Archive: NSIS's capabilities?

NSIS's capabilities?
Hello there,

I need to create a program that automates the installation of two separate, but intertwined applications and also writes some data to a properties file and creates a folder structure.

I remembered having read about NSIS some time ago, and I think it might be well-suited for this task. However, I'm not sure it supports everything I need, and since I'm a little under pressure, I can't risk starting to learn NSIS and later realizing that I need to start over with another language.

Here's a quick overview of what my installer needs to do:[list=1][*]install app1 by extracting a self-extracting archive to a user-specified folder[*]prompt the user to enter some data
possible problem: the number of fields can be dynamic, e.g. the user first chooses the number of trading partners and then has to enter some data on each of those[*]write this data to properties file (in the form [parameter]=[value])[*]create a folder structure in the installation dir (basically just create a sub-folder for each trading partner)[*]start the installation of the second app - i.e. run SETUP2.EXE
this is an independent installation routine, so I guess the user will have to install it manually[*]when the installation of app2 is complete:
tell app2 where app1 is installed (not sure yet how app2 handles this - hopefully I'll just have to edit some settings file)[/list=1]

Is NSIS well-suited for these tasks or should I rather use another language (e.g. Visual Basic or AutoHotkey)?

Thanks a lot!

Yes to all.
If you look at the NSIS documentation there are commands suited for many taks or solving many problems, along with many functions written found on the Wiki for even more tasks.


Okay, good to know.
However, I found it kinda hard to get into NSIS, so I guess I'll have to use AutoHotkey this time. That looks a lot less professional, but I guess I'll be much quicker that way.

I'll be sure to remember NSIS for the next project though!