Archive: ExperienceUI 1.1 Released!

ExperienceUI 1.1 Released!

ExperienceUI for NSIS version 1.1 is now available for download.

Changes in 1.1:

* Support for all Modern UI-compatible scripts
* Native support for WAnsis
* Better InstallOptions automization
* Abort Warnings
* Language selection page
* Modern UI language support
* RTL language support
* XPUI.nsh one file again
* Cooler skin graphics
* Left Logo size change
* XPUI_SET_BG macro in custom skins now optional
* Documentation redone with navigation tree; less bloated, but more organized
* Branding text enabled again, looks like UltraModern UI

Please post any support questions in the support forum.

Download here or download via a direct link to the file.

If you have any comments, e-mail me or post in the forum.


It's look good thanks. I will experiment next month with it, expect a lot of my nasty remarks, and adjustments in your forum soone ;)

Thanks for the also Wansis support, important if you do not want XP themed buttons to spoil the loos of your installer.

it is nice to see this . i am going to use it. but can u tell me which editor i have to use and where i can find the related help and example scripts. i searched your forum but didnt get any one there.

No special editor needed you can use whatever you like.
I can recommend HM NIS Edit (see Wiki). It got this noob started quite well ;)

The documentatian can be found here

I'm only having troubles displaying the abort page can't find out how... The available forum is not really busy.

The result is really a nice looking modern installer!

To use the abort page, define XPUI_ABORTWARNING, then insert language files, then pages, then insert XPUI_PAGE_ABORT last. I'll try and document this further in 1.11.


Hey I sent you a private msg I'm not sure if you've seen it
so I'll just post here.

Ive been trying to make some skins for this as well as a slightly different leftlogo image but i get errors on compiling everything

realworld.nsi gives me

ReserveFile: "${XPUI_HEADERIMAGE}" -> no files found.
Usage: ReserveFile [/nonfatal] [/r] [/x filespec [...]] file [file...]
Error in macro XPUI_RESERVEFILE_HEADERIMAGE on macroline 6
Error in script "E:\SYS_SHIT\NSIS\Examples\ExperienceUI\Realworld.nsi" on line 89 -- aborting creation process

and Wansis gives me
XPUI: Processing basic components...
Error: can't find bitmap
!include: error in script: "E:\SYS_SHIT\NSIS\Contrib\ExperienceUI\XPUI.nsh" on line 195
!include: error in script: "E:\SYS_SHIT\NSIS\Include\XPUI.nsh" on line 1
Error in script "E:\SYS_SHIT\NSIS\Examples\ExperienceUI\WAnsis.nsi" on line 16 -- aborting creation process

so if theres anyway you could give me a script that would compile my forum or lcd skin I'd appreciate it.

For now don't use the ReserveFile macros - they're broken. I've already fixed it in version 1.11, which is due out by the end of February.


Is it me or does the RealWorld.nsi example not compile correclty... ?

its just you ;)
just kidding i cant get it to compile either even after i take out the reserve macros.

ok dandaman32 how about this can you post some screen shots of the other skins in use so i can do some mockups that I can then later make skins when you put out the next version or if you want i can make some new skins that you can release in the next version?.

heres one of the ones i have so far and i made 3 different color versions of it for the screen and the book i also have a windows vista my computer icon knock off made up

can you post some screen shots of the other skins in use...
I'm not sure what other skins are in use...I don't maintain a user list like kichik does. However I did just upload a fresh set of screenshots to the new site ( and that has screenshots of every skin included with the SDK (I think).

Nice gfx - however the size is wrong (yes - sorry). They look great at full size, but horrible when scaled down (natural for all images). The usual size is 240w*340h px - if I didn't communicate this effectively in the docs sorry.

The computer gfx there could be great for a "Toon Vista" theme - looks pretty good, with a little "cartoon" feeling too...nice

Also there is an official ExperienceUI Forum that you can use.


ps don't tell anyone about the new site yet :p

I've just released a beta of ExperienceUI 1.11. This includes the new skinning engine and support for a background image on the main page area.

Forum page


Yes. I'm re-opening an ancient topic. :eek: But I didn't feel like starting a new one. :weird:

@mods: please change the forum links in the first post to . I just finished majorly upgrading the forum and now the layout's totally different.

First of all, thanks for doing this; I've been looking for this kind of GUI for my installers, so I'll give this a whirl.

Found a very insignificant 'bug' in the ExperienceUI install itself, in that the link to the Documentation doesn't bring you anywhere. Windows asks what program you'd like to open the file with instead (this is with the latest beta/pre-release version).

As for the scripting:

Converting my old MUI script automatically by using !include "XPUI.nsh" instead of !include "MUI.nsh" didn't work fully.
I got a lot of error messages about defines that were alrady defined. This was because of the different ways the install and uninstall macros/defines look and can be placed/named in the script between MUI and XPUI. No biggie though. I've been reading your Documentation, and found the solutions to those errors.

Now I'm stuck at the very end of my script, because I have Section Descriptions even in the uninstaller. If I put XPUI_UNFUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN, I get the error on compile that this macro doesn't exist. If I then remove the UN part, so it says XPUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN, then I get the error below:

Error: Function named ".onMouseOverSection" already exists.
Error in macro XPUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN on macroline 7
Error in script "K:\Blah blah\blurb\Hello\Installers\MYINSTALLER\ExUI_setup_19.nsi" on line 4897 -- aborting creation process

(name/path changed)

I have used the XPUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END macro after the install Section Descriptions (and also these uninstall descriptions). I do not have a custom .onMouseOverSection function.

-So how do I put UNinstaller Section Descriptions in there?

Thanks. :)