Archive: EDIT control background color

EDIT control background color
I know this is not directly related to NSIS, but...

I am making plugin for NSIS what uses makensis and prints the output to it's own console window. The control what gets the output, is a disabled EDIT control and I want to change this EDIT controls background color to the default (non disabled) color. I manage to do this with my limited C/C++ skills, but theres a problem when using the scrollbar *check the attachment*, the text gets all messed up?

I can also post the plugin and the source if necessary.

You could just make it read only with ES_READONLY.


Hmm it is already using ES_READONLY. That changes the EDIT controls background to gray and I want to use the normal background color.

You can use SetClassLong for GCL_HBRBACKGROUND using System plug-in. I not used this, but in one of my projects I had WS_EX_TRANSPARENT RichEdit and it used underlaying window background color (mixed with image :) ), but this looks too complex for NSIS scriprs.

Have you tried using:
SendMessage(hCtl, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 1, 0);


Aargh! As usual the solution was so simple that I didn't even think about it (and I spend hours to find the answer :( ).

Instead of using transparent background color for the text...

SetBkMode(hdcStatic, TRANSPARENT);
I should have used the "real color"
SetBkColor(hdcStatic, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));

Thanks for helping anyway.