Archive: ExecWait in function .oninstsuccess

ExecWait in function .oninstsuccess

i'm using five sections in my installer. if user selectes all of the sections it wont executes ExecWait statements in the .oninstsuccess function. But in case user selects less than five options, it will work properly.

can anybody tell me tat whether it is any limitation or somewhat else...................?

Why not have a hidden section at the end.

ExecWait ...


not possible to have hidden section

wat my installer is doing, running installer for mysql and some other applications. and in the end i want to update the mysql database using the update scritps. But in case of sections, as sections execute simultaneouly; it executed the update scripts before the mysql installs. To get rid if it, this is the best solution i found; based on some boolean flag set i used to run the database script in the function .oninstsuccess if user selected to update the database.

Sections are not executed simultaneously, they're executed sequentially.

As for the original question, if .onInstSuccess is not executed, it's because the installation wasn't successful. You probably have a Abort laying somewhere in the script. You can verify this by putting a message box in .onInstFailed.