Archive: Passing Literal in CreateShortCut

Passing Literal in CreateShortCut
I have the following line in my script:

CreateShortCut "$SMSPROGRAMS\Present\Show.lnk" "$INSTDIR\PPTView.exe" "My Show.ppt"

When the link is parsed by the viewer program, it sees two items (My and Show) rather than the file name 'My Show'. I have tried single quotes, double quotes, no quotes. Nothing helps. I know - if I didn't have a space in the filename... Out of my control

I need the link to reflect "PPTView.exe My Show"

How can I do this????


Did you try this below?

CreateShortCut "$SMSPROGRAMS\Present\Show.lnk" "$INSTDIR\PPTView.exe" '"My Show.ppt"'

You just saved my weekend!

