Archive: nsExec vs long process vs leavecustom

nsExec vs long process vs leavecustom
HI all. I have a problem with a custom page. I have a button which when pressed runs a command line app using nsExec. The thing is that the process takes around 1 minute or 2 and that makes my installer to appear as "not responding". How can I process the Abort statement and the long process? The behaviour Im looking for is the following:

When the user presses the button, a banner appears and the process starts. When the process is finished, the banner dissapears and the installer stays in the same page (it doesnt go to the next page), so the user can press the button again if desired. I've attached a sample script. I hope you can help. Thanks in advance.

ExecWait processes Windows messages while waiting for the child process. This way, the installer doesn't look like it's hung. If you're running a command line application and want to hide its output, you can ExecWait to execute a silent installer that runs the real command line process using nsExec.

Thanks, I will try that. I really need the command line app to be hidden. Any other possibilities will be welcome. Thanks again.

ExecDos has async mode for DOS apps - 'exec' first and 'wait' later. You can use included to distribution Banner plug-in or one of NSIS archive banners plug-ins, both with ExecDos and nsExec.