Archive: Problem with nsSCM Plug-in

Problem with nsSCM Plug-in
Hello all.

I'm using the nsSCM plug-in to simply stop some service while I do some work, and then start them back up. I'm having a problem with the below code:

nsSCM::QueryStatus /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
Pop $0 ; return error/success
Pop $1 ; return service status

When I Pop $0 I get nothing, and $1 gives me "Success". Is this right? Thanks all.


sounds ok :)

Shouldn't I get something like this:

nsSCM::QueryStatus /NOUNLOAD [parameters]
Pop $0
MessageBox MB_OK "$0" ;displays Success or Error
MessageBox MB_OK "$1" ;displays Stopped or Running


well, youre right :D