Archive: $EXEDIR doesn't work, hard-coded path does.

$EXEDIR doesn't work, hard-coded path does.

I'm new to this forum (which is excellent by the way, it contains a lot of information). I've been using NSIS for about 3 weeks, but now I stumbled upon something that I could not find an answer to in the help-docs or this forum.

I use the following code to copy some PDF files to the installation folder:

!define DOCUMENTATION_SOURCES "Documentation"

Function InstallDocumentation
; copy documentation.
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\${MAINPRODUCT_DEST}\Documentation"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\${MAINPRODUCT_DEST}\Documentation"

File /nonfatal /r "C:\work\installers\Deploy\${DOCUMENTATION_SOURCES}\*.pdf"
MessageBox MB_OK "C:\work\installers\Deploy\${DOCUMENTATION_SOURCES}\*.pdf"
File /nonfatal /r "$EXEDIR\${DOCUMENTATION_SOURCES}\*.pdf"

IfErrors cannot_install

Call HandleInstallationError
(I can't seem to get indents on the forum...)

When I compile my code, the compiler gives the following warning:
File: "$EXEDIR\Documentation\*.pdf" -> no files found. (filename.nsh:270)

When I run the code, the two MessageBoxes contain the same output: C:\work\installers\Deploy\Documentation\*.pdf

However, using the File command containing $EXEDIR doesn't copy any documents to the output folder, while using the File command containing the hard-coded folder does.

What am I missing here?

$EXEDIR is the run-time variable (compile-time doesn't have variables only defines). Use:

File /r ".\${DOCUMENTATION_SOURCES}\*.pdf"

@Instructor: I've tried both, but the result is the same: File: "(.\) Documentation\*.pdf" -> no files found.

OK, I think I have found the problem. It was my mistake: I tried to misuse the File command.

I want to copy an unknown number of files at runtime from the EXE-dir\Documentation to some output folder. But this can (and should) not be done with the File command, because that command will include the files-to-copy in the installer file. I need some code to dynamically copy files at runtime. The CopyFiles command seems to do just that!

You seem to have answered your own question while I was replying.

Yes, I have. CopyFiles works excellent. Thanks though.