Archive: label sizes

label sizes

im currently using nsis 2.11 with MUI. choosable installerlanguages are english and german.

On choosing english the label on the welcome screen reads "Welcome to the PRODUCT vX.Y.Z Setup Wizard". In german the text is a bit longer: "Willkommen beim Installations-Assistenten für PRODUCT vX.Y.Z"

now on 96dpi (the normal text size) everything looks just fine, but if i switch to 120dpi (bigger fonts, like many notebook users do) the german text doesnt fit. the line wraps at "vX.Y.Z", and one can see the upper few pixel rows of that text. pretty ugly and far from readable.

peeking at ioSpecial.ini i cant see any top or bottom declarations of that label, so i assume that nsis tries to autosize to fit the text.

is this a bug? did i miss anything? workarounds?

thx in advance



sorry for the delay

sweet, missed that option. thx!