Archive: Run from CD/Install

Run from CD/Install
I searched the forum, but didn't find anything on this. What I need is being able to run the application from the CD or install it on the HD.

I want to add a dialog with 2 radio buttons:

(x) Install application
( ) Run application from CD

'install application' (selected by default) would just continue the setup and 'run application' would run "application.exe" from the same directory as the setup is, and exit the installer.

also, with the tests I'm doing right now, I'm getting a 'Cancel' button on the left and a 'Enter' button on the right in the non-working dialog, and what I would want is 'Continue' instead of 'Enter' if that is possible.

Any help would be appreciated!

See How can I get input from the user? from the FAQ. It basically says you need to use InstallOptions. See the examples in Examples\InstallOptions and Examples\Modern UI\InstallOptions.nsi.

It is a tool that help you to create a message box with some functions on it.

This tool is more that complex -- Automate and Script Windows Tasks - For Free!. I just created an Winamp live cd end when you insert the cd in drive, it ask you if you want to open winamp now or no. If you choose yes, winamp will be opened and appears a system try tool tip message that says "Now put some music" :)

You can try too, here is the link of the software also, there is a phorum where you can find more details and help material