Archive: Problem with Shortcut

Problem with Shortcut
i hv some problem while creating shortcut on desktop and in startmenu. in my case both appears on their respective places. bt for the first time after installation when i double click it on the links they didnt start my application. they show the dialog for brousing of file. bt if i check the properties of the links and click "OK" with out changing any thing, they now work really as a link. now my application starts normally.

wht will be the problem . i tried a lot bt didnt get any thing. plz help. thankx in advance.

You should attach an example, it'd be easier to find out the problem this way.

Hi ,
now in my code i hv created the shortcut as ,
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Neo.lnk" '"$INSTDIR\jre\bin\javaw" -jar "$INSTDIR\lib\neo.jar"' "" "$INSTDIR\jre\bin\neo.ico" 0 SW_SHOWNORMAL CONTROL|SHIFT|N

after creating the desktop icon it shows every target in the property window as per requirement. bt on first double click it dosent open the application. i hv to open property window for first time.
hope u got an idea of it.

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