Archive: Code help

Code help
I have 2 problems so to say.

1. I have radio buttons setup and the user selects which option. Then it is supposed to run only the things in that option. But it seems like when it comes to the radio button options, everyhting seems to be run.

2. Is there anyway to suppress/hide external windows popping up from the installer?

Any help is greatly appreciate.
I have uploaded the script and the options for you guys to look at.

  1. The code seems fine. Are you sure it really runs those executables and doesn't only print the text saying it is? The text is outside of the condition structure. You should use the LogicLib, it's simpler.
  2. If it's a command prompt, use nsExec or ExecDos.

Is there any way to change the text display to only what is being done?

Move the all the DetailPrint's after their respective labels. You should really use the LogicLib, it'd be much clearer.