Archive: How to indent a section on components page

How to indent a section on components page
I have 4 sections listed on components page. And I want to make the last 2 indented a little, as a hint that they are part of the 2nd section and dependent on the 2nd section.

I have tried resource hacker, but it only gives you handle for the box that contains the list of check boxes for the sections.

And I don't want to use SectionGroup, as i found some of the behaviors of SectionGroup are not appropriate for what I am trying to implement.


I don't think this is possible. You could put some spaces before the Section name, but that won't indent the check boxes of course.


oops... I might have to use SectionGroup then. But I don't want to the user to be able to collapse the tree nodes. Could you tell me if it is possible to hide the lines and handles of the components tree?

Thanks a lot.

Never mind. I found out how to hide the lines and handles. Once again, ResourceHacker saved my day :) By using ResourceHacker, in my case, open the modern_smalldesc.exe file. Remove the TVS_HASLINES flag. That did the trick for me.

If anyone can figure out a way of indenting the checkbox, that'll be great.
