Archive: How to make Information page?

How to make Information page?
How to make Information page? Page like license page, but
"License Agreement"="Information",
"Please review the license terms before installing"="Please read information"

Sorry for my english. :)

Add a license page with a different title. If you are using the MUI, for example, use MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_TOP, MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM and friends (all described in the readme). If you're not using the MUI, use LicenseText.

MUI ías no variable for change of the line "License Agreement" (which is under heading of a window) and text which is under "License Agreement". Or I have not found.

I wont page like this:


!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT "Information"
!define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_SUBTEXT "Please read the following important information before continuing."
!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_TOP "When you are ready to continue with Setup, click Next."
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "H:\Docs\ReadMe.txt"

Thx. All work. :)