Archive: stamp data into an installation exe

stamp data into an installation exe

I have a bunch of games I serve up for downloads. I would like to stamp in some information real-time when someone requests the exe. For example, download date, affiliate code, etc. Is there a way I can do this from a servlet? Can I set aside a spot in the nsis install exe where I can stuff this data?

Then when the installer is running, I would probably write this data to the registry.

Any ideas?


Quite some time back, while I was still using Win as my primary OS, I heard that you could append data past the EOF on an EXE and it would ignore it--I don't know how true that claim is though...maybe it's something to consider? (How you'd access the NSIS Installer exe while in setup is beyond me though =P)


Feel free to contact me if you would like an elaboration or possible example, and I shall provide you with such. (I don't check the NSIS forums all too often--sorry)
(nofulfillment atTheAlmighty numbinside superDot net)