Archive: How to copy some files and register .ax?

How to copy some files and register .ax?
Hi there. I a newbie in all this. What I want is to extract some Dll files in some folder in Program Files (INSTDIR). I did this. Next what i want is to ectract some other files to C:\some folder\folder 2\. I don't know how to do that.
Also, some of those files are .ax files, and need to be registered. In "real life" these files register file called regsvr32.exe. How to manage to do this? tnx

1. Use the SetOutPath command to set your working directory and then a File command to extract the file into that directory. Alternatively, you can use the /oname switch on the File command to specify an output directory, but since this option must be used with each file, I prefer to use the former.

2. Use the RegDLL command to register files. It works the same as RegSvr32.

More information about both commands is in your NSIS user's guide. You can also find working examples in your NSIS Examples folder included with the NSIS install.

OK, thanks a lot. I'll try this.

OK, i made it and it works! I also did the Uninstall routine with the UnRegDll command. Thanks a lot once again.

Do not forget to run and browse to the examples first, they are helpfull getting started.

Also a good NSIS script editor will help you started see

Yeah, I did that. Whenever I need some help, I open some of these files a try to find what I need.

Also a good NSIS script editor will help you started see
Yes, I actually work with it.