Change Setup Language
Hi there,
I am in a minor dilemma at the moment. Here's what I have to do:
I have an application for the pocket PC that comes in many different languages, i.e. each language has its own files. Because of this, I need to create different setup executables for each language. I need to basically write an NSIS script that will change the !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE to any language I want.
For example, I am thinking of having a batch file that will take the language as a parameter and basically collect all those language specific files and build a cab file. So based on that parameter I need to change the MUI_LANGUAGE in the NSIS script too. I know I can have multiple NSIS script files but that would be really inefficient, I want to change it through the batch file.
One of the ideas I had was that I can create a text file with all the parameters in it through the batch file, then read the file in the NSIS script and change the MUI_LANGUAGE on ".oninit". Is this idea feasible?
One other thing I need to do is that I need to replace the welcome screen page in the MUI with another page that displays a readme file that is also language specific, i.e. the readme filename is different for every language. How can this be done? Can someone provide some sample code for adding a custom page such as this...
Thanks in advance..