Archive: Can DetailPrint be used within .onInit?

Can DetailPrint be used within .onInit?
Can the DetailPrint function be used within .onInit?

It seems only available after .onInit ... or I am doing something wrong or leaving something out???

Test script below that attemts to use DetailPrint .... which works during Section

; DetailPrintTest.nsi based on example1.nsi
Name "DetailPrintTest"
OutFile "DetailPrintTest.exe"

ShowInstDetails show
; Pages
Page directory
Page instfiles
Section Anonymous ;No components page, name is not important
File DetailPrintTest.nsi
DetailPrint "Reached anonymous section"
SectionEnd ; end the section
Function .onInit
MessageBox MB_OK "Reached .onInit $\r$\n \
InstallDirectory: $INSTDIR "
DetailPrint "Reached .onInit"
DetailPrint "Install Dir: $INSTDIR"
DetailPrint "Sm Programs: $SMPROGRAMS"
Function .onGUIInit
MessageBox MB_OK "Reached .onGUIInit $\r$\n \
InstallDirectory: $INSTDIR "
DetailPrint "Reached .onGUIINit section"

DetailPrint prints to the install log window. That window is only available when the instfiles page is reached. Sections are executed when the instfiles page shows, and that's why you see DetailPrints used in sections.

Thanks for the info.

The underlying question is how to do debugging. I've used MessageBox, and sometimes DetailPrint can be used.

What other debugging capabilities does nsis make available?

Do any of the ide's provide something closer to "step-into" and "step-over" capability? Is there a way to "watch" the value of a variable?

There's a couple plugins you could use for debugging:

Does anyone have the plugin somewhere?
It seems that the link on the is valid but the there is a problem on the serve side or the file was removed.

Thanks in advance,