Archive: "Version Info manipulations on compile-time" - Question

"Version Info manipulations on compile-time" - Question
I've read this very nice article :

It helped me to add the version-informations automatically from an exe-source-file to my setup-exe-file.

But i've got one little problem: there are informations in my source-exe, that i don't want to have in my setup-exe (eg the "OriginalFilename"). And it's important for my automation, that i take that exe-source, without manual modifications.

It would be nice, if i could exlusively save the fileversion info (like of my source-exe to the setup-exe and ignore other infos.

I read a little about the Resource Hacker's extract-operation and it seems, that i can only save the whole version-infos (of one language) to a .res-file.

Any ideas?

Hope this helps

Thanks, but getting the version-number is not the problem. I already use that script.

The problem is to add that number to the versioninfo-tabsheet of my outfile. It has to be done by Resource Hacker's extract- and addoverwrite-operation. Or are there any other solutions?

See Examples\VersionInfo.nsi


Wow, that's very easy. The next time i won't forget the help-files, before searching wiki/forum :rolleyes: .