Archive: I dont think this script exists

I dont think this script exists
Please point me in the direction of the script if it exists, but from what I can see, there is no script that installs the basics.

I'm helping compile a game for windows, and I want to install the files in C:\Program Files\program_name (easily done with zip2exe), but also have the option while installing to create a desktop shortcut linking to C:\Program Files\program_name\start.exe and have a start menu folder called Program Name with the options Start (which runs C:\Program Files\program_name\start.exe) and an Uninstaller (which removes any Desktop icons, start menu folders, and program files (C:\Program Files\program_name\))

I really hope someone can help me, or point me in the right direction.

Just have more than one Section. One that installs the game (which has SectionIn RO), one that creates the desktop shortcut and one that creates the start menu shortcut.


Ok. Thanks for that. I've now got the installer fully working. However, I want to have a better style that the one that is default. Is there something like installerStyle = 2 or something?

There's classic UI and modern UI. Which are you using?


I just discovered XPStyle on from another script. Makes it look better, but not 100% complete. When I hit the show details button on install and uninstall, the text is green and the background black. How do I change this to the default black and white?

I have no idea what style I'm using. Here my script so far. All thats left is changing the black background and green text into white background and black text. Then I'm happy. NSIS is AWESOME!

I found another script that had what I was looking for. So heres the final product. I hope its compatble with all win32 systems. Can people have a quick look, and if theres any noticable bugs or suggestions please let me know. I'm still learning so if you have improvments, please post the code so I can see. For eg, if you think an image on the left would be good, please post the code for it (since I dont know how).

You're using Classic UI not using Modern UI. See Examples\Modern UI. Modern UI is pretty much the NSIS standard now.


Wow. Thanks. I've been working on it for the past 2 hours, and its looking great. I just need some very quick help. In order to do translations, I need to find out what is what, but I can't figure some out. Please help if you can and correct any if they are wrong.

English = english
Francais = french
Espanol = spanish
Deutsch = german
Cesky = czech
Magyar = hungarian
Italiano = italian
Polski = polish
Romaneste = romainian
Pyccknn =
Cpnckn =
Swedish = swedish
Dansk = danish
Nederlands =
Catala = canadian
Svenska = Slovenian
Portugues = Portuguese

Dont worry. I'll just stick with enlgish, german, french, spanish, and italian. Thanks for all the help :D Bye.