Archive: Newbee needs help (vb6)

Newbee needs help (vb6)
Just finished downloading the software and im in need of help.
The example provided in this site is the compilation of vb6 runtime files and not complete applications done in vb6.:|
My application includes third party files and dll files, how do i get through coz the appliction ought to be deployed in 3 days from this date (3/2/2006) failure to which i revert to the old vb6 deployment wizard:(
Could you all good guyz and girls in this site please help me :cry:
Thank you

I am not sure (along with most other people who have viewed your post, I suspect), what your question is.

1) What is the 'example' you refer to? Something in the Wiki, something in the Developer repository or something else? A name would help.
2) What part/aspect of your installation isn't working?

I think if you can at least clarify these two points, it might be possible to help you.

The example i was refering to was that of vb6 runtime files. However i went a step further and downloaded another example and modified it and it can be viewed in
"Get me out of this pit!!!!"
thread with the current position in the development.
I hope the information provided will shed more light as to where i'm currently stuck.
Thanx all the same for the assistance accorded.

All the same the file in use (attachment in get me out of this pit thread) doesnt really help me understand the flow of the script at some point and thus I would need a place to start as far as creating scripts for vb6 programs including all 3rd party controls in use within the application.