Archive: create custom dialogs

create custom dialogs
Hi all,

When uninstalling I have to:
- show a custom dialog with 2 radio buttons and depending on which was selected take a specific action
- then show a dialog with one checkbox and in case this is checked I have to take a specific action

Can you pls tell me:
1) How can I generate the above 2 dialogs?
2) How can I, in the uninstaller, call the above 2 dialogs in order to be shown to the user?
3) How can I find the user's selection?
4) What happens with these 2 dialogs in a silent uninstall?

Thanks in advance,

Use custom pages with InstallOptions plugin.

Custom dialogs?
InstallOptions DLL?

InstallOptions is a plug-in used to create custom dialogs (special dialogs defined by the user rather than the default dialogs available such as the directory selection page). See Examples\InstallOptions and Docs\InstallOptions.