All done, needs some checking
Well, thanks to the manual, the wiki, and the very helpful support on this forum, my script is now complete. Well, I actually, I finished it 2 days ago, but I've just gone through and removed some old commented out code (although it doesn't make the installer smaller).

It seems to be working 100%, however, doing things for the first time can be tricky, and you dont know all the tricks. I was wondering if someone who has used NSIS for a long time could check through my script and let me know if I have something in the wrong place, or I can join some things together to stop repeated code, or perhaps I have more code that isn't needed and can be removed.

Perhaps I'm missing some code that is needed to make something work, but I havn't spotted it yet? Or maybe I can add a new page, function, or plugin to the install to increase its functionality? So far I know of the components page, force licence checkbox thing, and better compression (and the code to reserve files and such), but I've decided against all three of them. Anything else I should consider?

Perhaps you think its good enough to go on the wiki? It is afterall the only script I've seen so far that has the basics of almost every other install I've seen. The example scripts are too little where as mine just needs a bit of changing and viola. You've got the same basic working script as me :D

Let me know.........