Archive: one-section-grouped has odd behavior

one-section-grouped has odd behavior
I modified the one-section.nsi example to one group of three quasi-radio buttons within a SectionGroup. I'm getting odd behavior when the SectionGroup itself is clicked several times.

Clicking on one of the three options works fine to give mutually exclusive behavior, but when you click on the SectionGroup, then two RadioButtons are selected. As you continue to click, the RadioButtons that are selected changes around, and then after a number of clicks, the group closes.

Is there a way to cause a click on the SectionGroup box to be ignored, or possibly to force the 1st RadioButton to be selected. Can the SectionGroup be disabled entirely? I don't really want the end-user to be able to close the Section.

; one-section-grouped.nsi
!include "Sections.nsh"
Name "One Section Grouped"
OutFile "one-section-grouped.exe"

; RadioButton options will look kind of circular
CheckBitMap "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Checks\simple-round2.bmp"
Page components

SectionGroup /e "Group 1"
Section "Group 1 - Option 1" g1o1

Section /o "Group 1 - Option 2" g1o2

Section /o "Group 1 - Option 3" g1o3
Function .onInit
StrCpy $1 ${g1o1} ; Group 1 - Option 1 is selected by default

Function .onSelChange
!insertmacro StartRadioButtons $1
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g1o1}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g1o2}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${g1o3}
!insertmacro EndRadioButtons

Try to see here. Hope this help you.