Archive: logging problem

logging problem

I have quite complicated install. During install process i make my own log file with a lot of information. Now I need silent install, so i canĀ“t use Dumplog. Is there any other way to log informations from "instfiles" window into my file or where can i get these informations( I mean list of files with number of percent). I tried to copy a read install log, but it seems crazy to me.

Thanks for any solution.

Have you tried the Advanced logging NSIS build on the Special Builds page?


Yes, I tried Advanced logging. But I find out, that this is good for nothing for me. I need exact same function as DumpLog, but in silent mode, exact same data into my own log file. I figured out, that A.logging can only make install.log with any more data from SetLogText. Next problem is, that i need to work with this file and install.log is locked.