Archive: problems with scons on Windows

problems with scons on Windows
rebasing our custom NSIS, on 2.14 (it's currently NSIS 2.05), and having problems.

I am used to the MSVC project files, which no longer exist. I have read the compiling chapter in the manual, downloaded python 2.4 and scons, and followed the instruction:

"To build, open a console, change the working directory to the root directory of NSIS and type scons. That's it. "

however, my PC cannot see the scons command. I have never used python or scons before, so this is very new to me :-(

D:\>cd nsis-2.14-src

'scons' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


OK, sorted it, Python install did not add itself to the path enviroment...