Archive: Additional icon in Uninstall.exe

Additional icon in Uninstall.exe

I've checked out the documentation and browsed the forums, but I couldn't come up with a solution to the problem below.

I have an installer for an application development kit, which copies (installs) libraries, headers and documentation on the client's machine. It does not install an executable (with an application icon) however.
Now I'd like to add an uninstall option into "Add/Remove programs". I've created the registry settings suggested in the documentation, and it works fine - except for one tiny detail. I've no way of adding a display icon to the uninstall entry in this list without actually installing an additional .ico file. (I cannot use tha uninstaller icon, since if you check your "Add/Remove programs" list you can see that all those icons are application icons.) Right now I wouldn't like to install the .ico file, so I thought to embed that icon in the generated Uninstall.exe. I grabbed Resource Hacker and used it to add the icon in the icon list, and it looks fine. I think I could even do this from the installer. (Yeah, I know it's an overkill, but let's concentrate on the problem here... :-)) There is still a problem however: if I modify the Uninstall.exe this way, then it starts complaining about a CRC check fail. So now what?

Optimally I'd like to have a way to add additional icons from my NSIS script to the generated uninstaller.exe's resource list. Failing to do that I'd like to know if anyone knows of a way to accomplish this so I can pass the CRC check.


To specify an icon in Add/Remove Programs, have a look here:


DisplayIcon (string) - Path, filename and index of of the icon that will be displayed next to your application name
Secondly, your statement I cannot use tha uninstaller icon, since if you check your "Add/Remove programs" list you can see that all those icons are application icons is incorrect. You can use the uninstaller program's default icon, but you may choose not to.

Finally, in answer to your actual question, use

CRCCheck off

to turn off the CRC check.

Originally posted by bhaelochon
To specify an icon in Add/Remove Programs, have a look here:
As I've said
Originally posted by babszem
I've created the registry settings suggested in the documentation
so I did just what you're trying to remind me.

Originally posted by bhaelochon
Secondly, your statement I cannot use tha uninstaller icon, since if you check your "Add/Remove programs" list you can see that all those icons are application icons is incorrect. You can use the uninstaller program's default icon, but you may choose not to.
That's just what I'm talking about. I choose not to, because it is an uninstaller icon, and would look quite stupid between all the application icons.

Originally posted by bhaelochon
Finally, in answer to your actual question, use

CRCCheck off

to turn off the CRC check. [/B]
Yes, I've noticed that option, but I'd like to avoid that if possible, as it turns off the check for both the uninstaller AND the installer. A CRC check is a useful thing on it's own, so either I'd need to force the uninstaller to recalculate the checksum somehow, or have an NSIS instruction to add another icon to it's resource list.