Archive: Read Registry keys into listbox

Read Registry keys into listbox
I have several registry keys within one registry key, and I would like these keys to be put into a listbox that is used in the installation. For example I would have:
HKLM SOFTWARE\MySoftware\cat
HKLM SOFTWARE\MySoftware\dog
HKLM SOFTWARE\MySoftware\rooster
HKLM SOFTWARE\MySoftware\elephant

So, in my listbox I would want the items: cat, dog, rooster, and elephant. This is because these keys have unique directory values that choose where the install directory should be.

Please note: I would like this without using the registry plugin if possible. I don't know if ReadRegStr can read keys instead of just values.

Thanks for your help!

Have you tried EnumRegKey? ( Seems like you can use this to enumerate your subkeys and then parse off everything before the final "\" to get the subkey name itself.

Using that function worked, thanks for your help.

But, I still need help figuring out which item was selected. I am looking at the ListBox example, but I can't figure it out yet. In my ini file, the "Field 2" is the listbox. I want to disable the next button until an item is selected. Once it is selected, I want to be able to use it (ie. stored in a global variable) If anyone can tell me the code to do this I'd greatly appreciate it.

If you want to keep it simple you can try my PopupListBox plugin at
I'm also releasing an EmbeddedListBox plugin which is like an IO page except you can have a multicolumn list view with headings (report view) and optionally with checkboxes as well.


It might be easier to keep the next button enabled, but just abort the leave function if they haven't selected anything.

To find out what they've selected, just use:

Push $0
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $0 "ininame.ini" "Field 1" "State"

Where your ini is called ininame.ini, and your list is in Field 1.

Thanks for all your help.

Everything is working great now.