Archive: SQL Express

SQL Express
Hi everyone.:)

I am new at this forum and i had to join it becouse i have problem that i am solving it for 4 day. :igor:

I have app and i want to create installer for it. Including MS SQL Server Express. I have allready made installer that check for .net framework 2.0 and then installs WindowsInstaller and .net framework 2.0 if needed. Then installs MS SQL Server Express and it's working and runs SQL script for creating database and tables.

Now the big problem is MS SQL Server Express i have to check if there is MS SQL Server Express allready installed and then if there is i have to check if an instance (that is selected in advance for my app) allready installed and ask user for 'as' pasword. I did the checking of instance now i have to test if i can connect to it with pass that user gave.

I connect trough OSQL.exe and i am asking how can i read the sentence from comsole (detail window) if connection fail? So that i could ask user once more for pass.

See How can I get input from the user?

I saw this already.

I am wondering how could i check, if i can login with that pass, that user gave me.

Ah, then use nsExec. See Examples\nsExec\test.nsi for a working example. To search for a string use StrStr or another more advanced function.