Archive: Invalid command: InetLoad::load

Invalid command: InetLoad::load
I have this error message:

Invalid command: InetLoad::load

Is it a invalid command?


Not if you have the dll in your NSIS Plugins directory and you are using a valid InetLoad command (you need more parameters to accomplish anything):

This is the full command I use.

InetLoad::load "\myfile.exe" "$INSTDIR\destination"

Is it not correct?


Try adding "http://" to the beginning of the link.

Thanks for your help, but I added, and still the same error screen!


You have to put InetLoad.dll in the NSIS\Plugins folder.


OKe, I copy the dll files in the PLUGINS folder.
When installing, I see the screen that he want to start the download prosess, but it skip it.
I changed the commando in:
InetLoad::load "" "$EXEDIR\directory\myfile.exe"

What's wrong with the command?

Did you create the $EXEDIR\directory directory first?


"$EXEDIR\directory" :) CD install may be a problem.

SOrry for the late reply.

I still don't have any result.
I create a $EXEDIR\ directory first.
But it still skip the download process

The only silent way to skip download I know is a valid server reply (headers) with 0 length content (data, exe file in your case). If resulting local file length is 0, plug-in removes it. So you can test download with IE first - default plug-in settings are the same. Also you can add /END at the end of command line is other vars present in NSIS stack (Push>Pop :) )
BTW what gives Pop after InetLoad call? Only 'OK' string is good.

It works
Thanx a lot Takhir.