Archive: Download Zip and install with NSIS.

Download Zip and install with NSIS.
I've searched this forum and google top to bottom with no luck.

What I need to do is have nsis show the readme, then take and download a set of files and install them with the progress dialog. It also needs to look for a certin folder to place the files into. Please help. I had no problems locating the folders and installing them with inno but inno cannot download files. Any help is appricated!

The NSISdl.dll comes packaged with NSIS. There's a readme: ${NSIS}\Docs\NSISdl\ReadMe.txt

Another option is

I recommend using InetLoad. For extracting Zip files you can use a commandline program like unzip.exe (you'll find it on Google). It won't change the progress bar though. To do this, you'd ave to use my RealProgress plugin.


Use ZipDLL to handle the extraction - cleaner. Not sure abt progress bar though.


ZipDLL has licensing issues if you are building a commercial installer, I think. You may need a license from them if you aren't willing to GPL your software (or at least your installer).

Plus ZipDLL has failed on some perfectly fine Zip files for me. I once used it for doing this exact same task and it would fail on 4/10 Zip files which I could open and uncompress without an issue with WinZip.


I've used info-zip before and found that it handles zip files quite nicely with minimal overhead. I can be found at

I also like 7-zip, but it can add more overhead becuase of the fact it supports other archives (such as 7z, rar, etc.)

I'm not sure about commercial licensing on either of these, though. (Something you may need to research if you want to use them in a commercial installation.)